Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Racist" is how liberals say "Nigger"

Yes, yes, The white guy spelled out the word nigger instead of writing it as the n-word.

Deal with it. You know what it means to say "the n-word" so who are we fooling with that masturbatory exercise in conformity? I'll say the word nigger to describe the word nigger when it's necessary. If you don't like it, fuck you.

Now, as I was saying. The word racist is used by liberals the exact same way that actual racists use the word nigger.

Both of them are racially charged epithets that are aimed at only one race. True, black people can be racist but name one black person who ever lost their career for calling a white person a cracker or a honkie? I don't have the time or resources to gather the names of all the white people who've been persecuted for simply saying the word nigger conversationally, as I have been doing in this blog post.

To be clear, I've never called anyone a nigger but when black people have called other black people niggers I've sometimes agreed with them. It would be insensitive of me to ignore their opinions, right? But admit that just now you had the Pavlovian impulse to think I was being racist for agreeing when a black person called another black person a nigger. If you think about it logically, it's the black person who is wrong. Not me.

But back on topic. Calling someone a racist really only stings if that person is white. You get bonus points if it's a white male and extra bonus points if that white male is a CEO or politician or some other sort of celebrity.

So it's arguably racist to call a white person a racist since it's generally accepted by racially bigoted liberals and racially bigoted people of color that only white people can be racist.

Think on that one for a moment. Done yet? 'Cause I'm moving on.

Now let's look at how black people are victimized when someone calls them a nigger.

The purpose of using that highly charged epithet is to demean, intimidate, dehumanize, and insult black people. It's also used to shut them down when they have an opinion.

See, a black man who has a valid opinion on, say, economics is then dismissed as an uppity nigger which is the lazy way of answering what's likely a very valid and educated opinion on a matter of economic importance. Instead of having respect for the man's views he's just dismissed as a nigger and then his arguments or opinions are instantly rendered invalid.

Racist fucks do shit like that.

Speaking of racist fucks now let's look at why liberals and people of color call any white person they disagree with a racist.

It's used to demean, intimidate, dehumanize, and insult white people. It's also used to shut them down when they have an opinion that racist liberal fucks disagree with.

Like if a white guy points out that he doesn't feel safe at 2am on a Saturday morning walking down any Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard anywhere in North America you can count on some liberal racist fuck to instantly call that white guy a racist even though the liberal racist fuck knows flat out that what the white guy said is absolutely true. But it's fun to threaten and bully people by calling them racist and then watching them defend themselves even though an accusation of racism is like a goddamn witch hunt where the accused is guilty simply because they were accused.

Liberals discriminate against white people by calling them racists.

White people are doomed when they're called racists. Well, most of us at least. Me, I pull on my Doc Martens' and then I go find the cunt who called me a racist and I stomp their goddamn teeth down their goddamn throat. I'm up to the count of three racist liberal fucks who have now been properly curbstomped for accusing me of racism.

And while I will beat the holy fuck out of anyone who calls me a racist I'm perfectly willing to admit that I'm totally and unapologetically insensitive. Sensitivity is for pussies.

I'm also a hypocrite because I'm pretty fucking sensitive to being called a racist.

Unlike most sensitive types I won't cry and wet my panties over it, I'll beat the holy fuck out of the racist liberal fuck who's committing an act of Darwinism by provoking someone who is not the least bit intimidated by racist liberal fucks.

No shit, racist liberal fucks are worse than the fucking Klan because at least the Klan knows that their shit is fucked up and wrong. That's why they wear the hoods is because at heart they're ashamed of the shit they do.

Racist liberal fucks are proud of themselves when they destroy someone by calling them a racist. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, all that matters is that the racist liberal fuck scored a victory by accusing some poor bastard of racism. If anyone should wear a fucking hood it's these goddamn terrorists. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Even if the accusation is patently false an accusation of racism against a white man is instantly accepted as true by HR departments, news media, government human rights commissions, courts, and etc. It doesn't matter if the white guy can prove his innocence, he's still going to be burned at the stake because of white privilege or some other racist liberal fuck bullshit.

How do we fix this shit? One place to start is to stop using the word racist as a handy epithet instead of using it to describe actual racists who do shit like actual racism.

Meaning that a white business owner who doesn't want to hire an avowed Black Panther is not a racist and he should not be called a racist for refusing to hire a fucking racist like a Black Panther.

It's not racist to say that most black neighborhoods are unsafe because they're primarily populated with black people who mostly kill each other but who are not averse to killing anyone stupid enough to wander into their fucked up battleground of a neighborhood.

It's not racist to say a whole bunch of other things about black people that half the black pastors in America say about black Americans on any given Sunday.

IT IS racist to reserve a name to use against people of one race with sole intent of bullying them, intimidating them, and terrorizing them.

And if you take away just one thing from this post let it be this: If you call a white guy a racist in America you have a 1 in 98 million chance of having your teeth kicked down your fucking throat by me. Play the odds if you want, that's up to you. But if you find yourself on the ground without any fucking teeth wondering if your dental plan is any fucking good don't say I didn't warn you.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nazi propaganda from Pillsbury

"Toaster Strudel"

Yup. The same motherfuckers from Pillsbury who lost a racial discrimination lawsuit 25 years ago are at it again.

This time it's the blue-eyed blond Nazis they're exploiting so that makes it all good, right?

C'mon, Pillsbury! We know you're just ITCHING to dress that smarmy little bastard up in a Hitler Youth uniform and then have him march around threatening to invade Poland if he doesn't get his goddam Toaster Strudel!

Yup, the little fucker is going to unleash Gotterdammerung unless he gets his fucking Toaster Strudel!!! So buy some or else the little bastard's going to march on Paris or Moscow!

Rant aside, why is it okay to exploit a stereotype of a German but it'd be RACISM!! if, say, you had a little black kid with pickaninny pigtails shilling the watermelon flavor of your pastries?

The answer to my question is that it's just as bigoted to exploit the German stereotype as it is to exploit anyone else.

Hey there, Pillsbury, did you figure out that I won't be buying your fucking Toaster Strudel until you get rid of the not-so-ambiguous Hitler Youth mascot you have for your product?

Oh, and you assholes didn't learn a thing in that racial discrimination lawsuit, did you?

Not one fucking thing.