Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nazi propaganda from Pillsbury

"Toaster Strudel"

Yup. The same motherfuckers from Pillsbury who lost a racial discrimination lawsuit 25 years ago are at it again.

This time it's the blue-eyed blond Nazis they're exploiting so that makes it all good, right?

C'mon, Pillsbury! We know you're just ITCHING to dress that smarmy little bastard up in a Hitler Youth uniform and then have him march around threatening to invade Poland if he doesn't get his goddam Toaster Strudel!

Yup, the little fucker is going to unleash Gotterdammerung unless he gets his fucking Toaster Strudel!!! So buy some or else the little bastard's going to march on Paris or Moscow!

Rant aside, why is it okay to exploit a stereotype of a German but it'd be RACISM!! if, say, you had a little black kid with pickaninny pigtails shilling the watermelon flavor of your pastries?

The answer to my question is that it's just as bigoted to exploit the German stereotype as it is to exploit anyone else.

Hey there, Pillsbury, did you figure out that I won't be buying your fucking Toaster Strudel until you get rid of the not-so-ambiguous Hitler Youth mascot you have for your product?

Oh, and you assholes didn't learn a thing in that racial discrimination lawsuit, did you?

Not one fucking thing.